What was once used solely as ground cover for sporting arenas and putting greens, artificial grass has become quite popular in recent years. Made of synthetic fibers that mimic the look of natural grass, artificial turf does not need to be mowed or watered, which is why it is quickly becoming the preferred landscaping material to natural grass for many business and homeowners.
Made of fibers that has a similar look and feel as natural grass – typically polypropylene or polyethylene – artificial turf requires very little maintenance, which is why so many people are finding it a more attractive option to use for lawns. High quality synthetic grass will contain several different layers, and those layers include a backing and cushioning, as well as drainage layers and infill, which is often made out of recycled substances, such as natural cork or rubber tires.
If you are thinking about jumping on the artificial grass bandwagon, you may be wondering where you can install it. While the most popular use is for landscaping, it can also be used in a variety of other applications.
Here’s a look at some of the locations where you can install artificial turf.
Soil is one of the most common surfaces on which synthetic grass is installed. You can either install it over the soil where your natural grass used to lay, or you can place it over a newly cleared soil-covered area.
If you already have an existing lawn that is made of real grass, the first thing you want to do is clear out the area. Remove any natural grass, using either a tiller or good old elbow grease. Make sure that you have completely removed all of the grass blades, as well as the roots. Once all of the grass has been removed, rake over the area to even out the soil. If the soil-covered area does not have any grass cover, simply rake out the area to make sure that you have a smooth surface to lay your synthetic grass on.
Once you have created a smooth surface and leveled it as much as possible, you should consider laying down a barrier to prevent weeds from growing through your artificial turf. When the area is fully prepared, you can begin laying your synthetic lawn. If the grass does not have cushioning built into it, you might want to consider installing a layer of cushioning before you actually lay the turf. Doing so will ensure that the grass has a cushy, soft feeling, similar to natural grass, under foot.
When installing your new artificial turf, simply unroll it and place it into the position where you would like it to go. If you’re covering a large area, the turf will be installed in several sections, so be sure to check the layout of the grass to ensure the placement flows. Nail the strips down, brush the lawn out, and you will have a beautiful, green, low-maintenance lawn.
If you have a space that is covered in unfertile dirt and has been baron, you can easily turn it into a lush lawn with artificial grass. One of the great things about synthetic turf is that it doesn’t require rich soil to flourish, unlike natural grass.
To lay artificial grass on dirt, start by removing any rocks, debris and weeds from the dirt. Level out the area by applying a layer of sand, and then tamp it to ensure the dirt and sand are firmly packed. Like you would with soil, install a protective barrier to the space to prevent any weeds from growing through. Then, follow the same steps to laying synthetic turf that you would follow for laying it on soil: unroll it, lay it in strips, make sure the strips line up, nail it into place, and then brush it out.
Do you want to transform the look of a concrete patio or any other space that is covered with concrete? If so, you can easily change the look of the area with artificial grass. Since there aren’t any roots that need to take hold of the ground, all you have to do is lay it down and you’ll have a beautiful, plush, maintenance-free space in no time.
To lay synthetic turf on concrete, the first thing you need to do is clean the space. If there are any stains, grease, oil, gum or any other foreign material on the surface of the concrete, you want to make sure that you completely remove it. Once the concrete is completely cleaned, lay out the synthetic grass so that you can take measurements and cut the material prior to laying it. Next comes the actual installation, which requires a super adhesive, waterproof glue. Line the back of the artificial turf with the glue substrate, carefully lay out the sections, and apply pressure to them using a heavy trowel; this will ensure the glue forms a secure bond with the concrete, thus preventing it from buckling or pulling up.
Artificial grass can also be placed directly over tile. To so do, make sure you thoroughly clean the tile before application. Lay out the grass, take measurements and make cuts to ensure that it will fit properly into the space. Like you would when applying synthetic grass to concrete, apply a strong adhesive glue to the back of the turf, lay it out, and apply pressure to the surface to ensure a firm bond between the tile and the turf. Once the grass is installed, brush it out to create a cohesive, natural look.
Synthetic grass is quite a remarkable product. It can be installed over a myriad of surfaces, and if done so properly, it will provide you with a beautiful, lush, soft and natural looking landscape that will look incredible and last you a long time. The uses for artificial turf really are numerous; with the right installation, you can apply it to virtually any surface.