SynLawn Artificial Turf Review

Review Summary
5.0/5 Our Score
• Excellent Quality
• Huge Variety
• Multiple Applications
• Long-term Durability
• Expensive
• Long Installation Process
SynLawn receives a perfect rating because the company truly provides the best in quality, durability, customer service, and value.

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Aesthetic Quality5
Texture and Density5
Draining Capacity5
Heat Resistance5


SynLawn is one of the oldest producers of synthetic turf and manufacture and distribute their product under the brand name, AstroTurf, a name widely used to describe artificial grass and the original inventors of artificial turf. Distributed worldwide since 1965, AstroTurf covers most of the athletic grass niche, having debuted their product at the grand opening of the Houston Astrodome in 1966.

SynLawn deviated from the athletic niche (although they do produce sports-friendly turf), and developed artificial turf for lawns for both residential and commercial applications.

SynLawn’s unique relationship with AstroTurf give it a level of quality that comes from over 45 years of innovation and product development. Today, SynLawn produces a wide range of artificial turf products ranging from residential lawns and landscape; playground; dogs and pets; golf and putting greens; commercial; roof, deck, and patio; and sports (SynLawn is known for its golf and putting greens).

SynLawn’s expertise and quality development through AstroTurf make it one of the more expensive synthetic turf options, but also one of the most reliable. Additionally, SynLawn’s products are also one of the most researched, giving way to important innovations; for example, SynLawn products have a long life cycle, yet all products are completely recyclable.

SynLawn turf also comes with detailed installation guides for use by landscape architects, designers, or a private individual who wants to install him/herself.

Ratings Breakdown

SynLawn is an industry leader for a reason (it manufactures, sells, and installs the most artificial landscape turf and putting greens in North America). With its 15 year warranty and strive to use the greenest options available in every step of manufacturing, SynLawn has made a name for itself beyond its association with AstroTurf.

Aesthetic Quality – 5/5

SynLawn offers the most variety of options between synthetic grass applications and use. SynLawn’s most successful lines are its synthetic landscape turf and putting greens.

Both residential and commercial landscape turf is designed to be aesthetically pleasing, since its purpose is primarily ornamental. SynLawn specializes in landscape turf and on top of providing great variety of synthetic grass types, it also provides variety within categories. SynLawn’s line of landscape turf is not only the most technologically advanced in the industry, but also the most varied.

SynLawn landscape turf is available in 17 gorgeous options, each made with the highest quality products and greenest options on the market today. Not to mention that every single patch is an aesthetic masterpiece. SynLawn is top in the industry in lawn turf for a reason and that reason is that its grass, down to its cheapest option, is uncannily identical to the real thing.

Texture and Density – 5/5

SynLawn manufactures seven different categories of artificial turf (agility training & track; commercial; dogs & pets; golf & putting greens; lawns & landscape; playground; and roof, deck & patio) with each category containing a variety of different options in texture, density, shade, thickness, etc.

Texture and density will change depending on your choice of turf, however SynLawn makes every single one of its products with application in mind. Perhaps because AstroTurf received a lot of not-necessarily-good attention from the media, SynLawn makes excellent use of its Research & Development Lab. This lab is responsible for producing top-notch turf with excellent performance ratings within each application.

SynLawn’s best-performing categories are Lawn & Landscape and Golf & Putting Greens. These are two very different applications, but both options combined provide 27 unique choices of synthetic turf.

SynLawn synthetic grass is designed to look (and feel) like the real thing. While a sport and lawn application may seem quite different, there is a practical reason these two categories are SynLawn’s best-selling. Putting greens require a very dense, soft (but firm) grass and residential (and commercial) lawns require a soft, bouncy texture. SynLawn’s putting green turfs are designed to support a standard golf tee as well as your children’s running feet.

Draining Capacity – 5/5

SynLawn’s long years of product development have resulted in the company’s efficient draining system. All SynLawn products across application types are designed to drain at a rate of 30 inches per hour. This means that in heavy rain or pet use is handled easily and quickly, leaving a fresh, dry turf.

Heat Resistance – 5/5

AstroTurf received a lot of negative attention in its pioneering days and most of it seemed to focus on the heat factor. One of the complaints of installing artificial turf over large areas is that it tends to heat. Artificial grass is made of synthetic material and plastic heats up under direct sunlight.

One of the major challenges of synthetic grass manufacturers has been developing a product with minimal heating properties. SynLawn’s excellent Research & Development department however, has developed an exclusive solution, used only on SynLawn products: SynLawn HeatBlock Technology.

SynLawn’s unique HeatBlock technology uses infrared reflective pigments on each synthetic grass blade to reduce heat buildup by reflecting sunlight. This feature makes all SynLawn products 20% more heat-resistant than other synthetic turf brands.

Value – 5/5

All SynLawn products fall between the mid to high price range, but the value is unbeatable. With intricately detailed installation guides (including installation support) and a 15 year guarantee, there is simply no beating the price for quality value.

Final Verdict

SynLawn receives a perfect rating because the company truly provides the best in quality, durability, customer service, and value. They are not a one-product company, yet every product they develop is made with the utmost quality and care.

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One thought on “SynLawn Artificial Turf Review

  1. I am interested in installing both indoor and outdoor turf for putting and hitting at our Longleaf Golf and Family Club, Southern Pines, NC

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